2020 – $20,000 Climate Equity Work

ClimatePlan recognizes that California has been shaped by a history of inequity, racism, oppression, and disinvestment. This history has created a California where low-income communities and BIPOC communities are disproportionately burdened by the impacts of climate change and poor land use and transportation decision making. ClimatePlan was built on the fact that no single organization can solve these challenges. ClimatePlan is an incubator and catalyst for non-profit organizations across the state to mobilize at the local, regional, and state levels to create equitable, transformative change in how California plans and builds communities across the state. ClimatePlan provides a space where non-profit organizations can invest in shared leadership, learn from one another’s expertise, and build relationships with one another. ClimatePlan acknowledges that equity does not involve a particular set of policies; rather, it is about paying attention to the knowledge, needs, authority, autonomy, and power of the most vulnerable communities—and acting in ways that support these communities. 
